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The History of the Qualtroughs in Victoria - Dr Alexander Qualtrough


Descendants of Rev Joseph Qualtrough and Agnes McCullock

- Dr Alexander Qualtrough 1815-1863

Alexander Qualtrough was the third child of Joseph & Agnes. He was baptised in Douglas on the 4 June 1815. He distinguished himself in a career which seems to spread through this large family.

Alexander became a surgeon, possibly attending Edinburgh University in the 1830's. He is mentioned in a Manx directory as a surgeon in Peel in 1843. Later he became a surgeon in Liverpool as it is mentioned on his marriage certificate when he married Margaret Frances (Fanny) Breach in 1850 at Gretna Green, Dumfries, Scotland.

He and Fanny went separately Down Under in the early 1850's; he initially to Adelaide, Australia then transhipping to Melbourne. Alexander arrived in Melbourne on November 9th 1850 on the 'Elizabeth', a schooner of 67 tons. Fanny travelled as Matron on the "Roman Emperor" to Christchurch, New Zealand, and then on to Melbourne, apparently meeting up with her husband there.

In April 1951 his medical qualifications were recognised by the Government of NSW and Victoria.

He advertised extensively in the Argus in in 1851 as being a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, giving his address as Kent and Essex Cottage, Little Bourke-street, West.

In 1855 it was announced in a Manx newspaper of the day, that: Alex QUALTROUGH Surgeon, second son of Rev. Joseph Qualtrough Vicar of Lonan (was) appointed Health Officer in Melbourne. (ref dated Oct 31 1855 -from IOMFHS Journal August 2003)

In December 1852 The Argus publishes a sanitary "report of the state of Bourke Ward," Melbourne, prepared by two surgeons, Mr. Qualtrough and Mr. Watkins, deputed for the purpose by the Medical Association of Melbourne. The report is too long to copy, but it gives a most disgusting picture of the reeking filthiness in which many of the small lanes and rights of way in that ward are allowed to remain, all of them being densely inhabited.

On Tuesday 29 January 1856 the positon of the Health Officer was debated by the Melbourne City Council. It appears that he was promised the job of Medical Inspector for the City but this position was not supported by the Board of Health. He was eventually given $50 compensation after several debates for non-appointment.

On 6 Nov 1856 a notice appeared in the Melbourne Age signed by Alexander that all his estate and effects had been assigned to the City of Melbourne for the general benefit of his creditors.

In 1857 Alexander resigned from the Honory Position of surgeon to the Beneveolent Asylum.

In March 1861 Alexander Qualtrough, Esq., surgeon, was appointed to be the public vaccinator for the district of Avenel.

Alexander eventually died in Avenel, central Victoria, Australia, aged 48 years.

Fanny appeared not to live with her husband, but died in Melbourne just a few weeks after her husband.

Her death certificate states that she died in a Melbourne hospital 2 months later - 24 April 1863. and is described as widow of the late Dr Qualtrough, Fanny was born in Birkenhead, Lancashire, England and was 35 when she died. She is not buried with her husband, but in the New Cemetery, Melbourne. There were no children.

 Alexander died in Avenel, central Victoria aged 48 years. Alexander's death certificate says he was a surgeon and that his cause of death was emaniation and debility!!

 The certificate also indicates Alexander had been in Victoria for over 10 years.

 In the book - Shire of McIvor by J.O. Randell, there is mention of a Doctor Qualtrough being one of the first doctors at the Heathcote (Victoria) Hospital which was opened in 1859

© Copyright by Malcolm Qualtrough, Elizabeth Feisst and the late John Karran Qualtrough.