From the Isle of Man to worldwide

ARTICLES Miscellaneous - Qualtrough Snippets

Information gathered and shared here for your perusal and enjoyment.

This Notice appeared in a Manx newspaper on May 3rd 1823 and was recently sent in a letter to the Qualtrough-History Egroup members. However it is such an amusing piece that it is worth sharing here with you all.

February 10th 1823:

Married at Kirk Christ Rushen, after a mournful widowhood of ten weeks (to Miss Elizabeth Qualtrough), Mr William Qualtrough, late coroner of Rushen, by Rev Joseph Qualtrough.

The bridegroom’s name is Qualtrough, his first wife’s name was Qualtrough, as is his present wife, whose father’s name was Qualtrough as well as her mother’s name before marriage!

 The clergyman who married them was Qualtrough and is an Uncle to both the present and former wife.

That has got to be a genealogical gem with a mine of information for any family historian, however it must be the worst case of relationship nightmare ever invented!!!!!


Anyone interested in the sea, and many Manx men and women are with the Isle of Man being so small and surrounded by the Irish Sea, there is a wonderful website you may wish to check out It features a variety of articles by Chris Pickard on Manx Seafarers. The site address is:

Go there and have a good read of the adventures of early Manx people in various states of seafaring activities – war, privateering, and the like.


 In Cleveland, Ohio, USA is a stone monument in a cemetery where only people of Manx background are listed. The cemetery is called Highland Park Cemetery and the monument called Mona’s Relief Society Monument. Among the list of people on the Monument is one

J.QUALTROUGH. Has anyone ever seen this?

It has since been found (February 2001) that the above J.QUALTROUGH on the Mona’s Relief Society Monument in Highland Park Cemetery in Cleveland is one Joseph Qualtrough (aka as Ambrose Joseph Qualtrough), born in the Isle of Man in 1864, son of William Qualtrough and Margaret Kinvig. See Chart 23 in A QUOTA OF QUALTROUGHS Also go to Cleveland, Ohio, article.

Submitted by Elizabeth Feisst, Bundaberg, Australia.

© Copyright by Malcolm Qualtrough, Elizabeth Feisst and the late John Karran Qualtrough.