It seems that no matter where I go on the Internet, no matter which search engine I employ, QUALTROUGH’s seem to manifest. Whether dead or alive, their presence is everywhere – well almost!
They are, of course, not as prevalent as Smith or Jones, Green or Brown, but they are there. Let me share with you some of the experiences I have been having over the past week or so – and the thrill of the ride also!
Firstly, in the US Civil War (during the 1860’s) one John QUALTROUGH served in the 6th New York Cavalry, C Company.
He must have been a character, because he developed an alias for reasons only known to him and the Cavalry. This alias was John Qualtro or John F.Qualtro. What he did while in the Cavalry must have been something warranting disciplinary action because he was inducted as a Sergeant and on discharge was a Private. John, what did you do? Can you tell us? I guess we will never know unless Civil War records are searched. He filed for a Civil War Pension in Texas in what looks like 1888 (I have a copy or the original entry as an online image). At this point I haven’t been able to find out if John married and had a family.
My next discovery was a family of Qualtroughs in Massachusetts, USA in the 1830’s.
A William Qualtrough married an Ann KELLEY on 9 January 1834 in Dennis, Barnstable, Mass. Who is this William Qualtrough?
He also gives a middle initial of ‘C’ at the birth of one of his children. Ann (Kelley)Qualtrough also give her name as Anna. I have records of two children born to William and Ann Qualtrough.
They are: Abigail K Qualtrough, born 12 April 1835, at Dennis, Barnstable, Mass., and Margaret Qualtrough, born 14 October, 1837, also at Dennis. There may have been other children, but I have not located any at this time. So my question is – are there any descendants of William C and Ann/Anna (Kelley)Qualtrough? If so, where are they?
(It has since been found that William died in 1838, Margaret in 1859, and Abigail in the 1860’s.See Cape Cod article)
Another find I had was searching a website of the Isle of Man and on it was a notice that a website had that day come online for the Manx family QUAYLE. Being ever curious,
I decided to check it out and see if there were any QUALTROUGHS among the entries. Yes there was, so I emailed the developer of the site, for details. A reply from Jane Coomer of Southampton, UK gave the details that her 4x great grandfather John KELLY of Castletown and Derbyhaven (both places in the Isle of Man) married a Sarah QUALTROUGH, “from Arbory, I think.
If I had more info on her I would certainly share it with you, but that’s all I’ve got I’m afraid! My Kellys are all from Malew and my GG grandfather John Robert Quayle can from Lonan and married Catherine Ann Kelly (John & Sarah’s grand daughter).”
I checked in the records I had and found on Chart 14 in the book A QUOTA OF QUALTROUGHS (see website) there was 2 possible Sarahs, one born 1800, and another born 1835.
Checking further in other records I have got off the Internet, I found John Kelly and Sarah Qualtrough’s marriage in 1826, in Arbory, Isle of Man, so the Sarah Qualtrough, born in 1800 in Arbory, daughter of John Qualtrough and Margaret COMISH is more that likely the Sarah who is the ancestor of Jane Coomer of Southampton, UK. The world gets smaller every day. (It has since been proven to be correct – March 2001)
In 1920, this article appeared in THE BULLETIN in the US:
“Oakland: The World’s Most Perfect Ice Palace
Record-breaking crowds are attending each of the sessions of Duquesne Garden, which opened its 1920 season on Saturday, October 2. Skating is held every evening…………..
Duquesne Garden which is the only indoor skating establishment in this part of the state, has been redecorated for the present season……………
This is the 6th year of the garden’s existence under present management, known as the Duquesne Garden Amusement Company. Hunt B Miller is president of the organization and Paul QUALTROUGH, besides managing the place is secretary and treasurer………”
The piece continues with a description of their ice hockey team and other chit-chat. My question, being ever curious, is who is Paul Qualtrough? Where is this Oakland; where is Duquesne Garden?
Can any of our US “family” tell me please? I am wondering if it is in or near Rochester NY state, or perhaps in Pennsylvania, but I don’t know.
So you see, to do family history research one needs to have the eyes and ears of a detective as well as an open mind. After all ,they are all our “relatives” so one really can’t judge any misdemeanours. In fact this is what puts ‘flesh on the bones’ so to speak.
I will leave it there. There are other equally interesting facts I have discovered but they will fill another page. Enjoy your time here and feel a part of it all.
Elizabeth Feisst. Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia.
January 2001
© Copyright by Malcolm Qualtrough, Elizabeth Feisst and the late John Karran Qualtrough.