From the Isle of Man to worldwide

ARTICLES Isle of Man - The Sorting of a Qualtrough Relationship Riddle

On February 18, 1823, the following report appeared in the Manx Sun/Advertiser:


"On Sunday last at Kk Christ Rushen by Rev Jos Qualtrough. Mr Wm Qualtrough, late coroner of Rushen Sheading (after a mournful widowhood of 10 weeks) to Miss Eliz Qualtrough daughter of Mr Thomas Qualtrough of Kentraugh and both of the above parish. The Bridegroom's name is Qualtrough, his first wife's name (before marriage) was Qualtrough as is also his present wife whose mother's name as well as that of her father's before their marriage. The clergyman who married them is a Qualtrough and uncle to both the bridegroom's former and present wife”.

See Chart 73 Showing the Ancestors of William Qualtrough and his two Qualtrough Wives

See Chart 72 Showing the Descendants of William Qualtrough and his two Wives

I first read this newspaper notice at the Manx Museum when I visited the Island in 1980 from New Zealand. At the time, I was still very much in the early stages of my world-wide interest in Qualtroughs and thus had no idea who all these Qualtroughs were, let alone how they all fitted into any extended family tree.

In the years since and with the help of another avid Qualtrough researcher, John K Qualtrough of Port St Mary, the above relationship riddle has been solved and in the process the results have produced a very interesting story as the tentacles of this family and the resultant steps and stairs have exploded outwards from the Island to all over the world.

So let us begin at the beginning of the story, a very good place to start, as Julie Andrews sang!

William Qualtrough, husband in the above article was baptised in Rushen on 25 March 1787, son of Thomas Qualtrough and Esther Christian. His siblings were Isabel bp 1781 (marr John Collister); Judith bp 1784 (marr Richard Waterson); Thomas bp 1793 (marr Jane Taubman) and Mary bp 1797 (nothing further known).

William became Coroner of Rushen and must have been a man who never minced his words, perhaps using his position of authority in a dogmatic way at times. From Advocate's Notebook, 1847 at one finds a case of slander was brought against him in April 1807 for slanderous words against Ann, the wife of Thomas Mylchreest. As it is not directly part of the following story I mention it here only to give a bit of character to William. The document is an interesting read and involves several appeals and counter-appeals, finally dying some sort of natural death in 1812 with no further proceedings recorded. {For the full documentation of the case go online to www.isle-of

and you will need to scroll down someway.

William Qualtrough married Margaret Qualtrough on 21 December 1809 at Rushen. Margaret was baptised 6 April 1793 at Rushen, the only child of John Qualtrough and Marjory Kelly of Kentraugh Mill, Rushen. John Qualtrough, Margaret's father was half-brother Rev Joseph Qualtrough who featured in a previous article on "Following Qualtroughs.." (see IOMFHS Journal Vol XXVI No 2 - May 2004).

Together they had seven children, all baptised in Rushen: William bp 1810 (married Alicia Cubbon 1836); John bp 1812 (married Margaret Christian abt 1839); Jane bp 1814 (married Edward Costain 1834); Elizabeth bp 1816 (married George Green in Liverpool 1836); Esther bp 1817 (married Thomas Kermode in Braddan 1844); Thomas bp 1819, died 1850 apparently unmarried; Ann bp 1821, of which nothing further is known at this time.

Margaret Qualtrough(nee Qualtrough) died at Kentraugh Mill on 2 November 1822 and was buried at KK Rushen. With a large young family to bring up and "after a mournful widowhood of 10 weeks", William, Coroner of Rushen, quickly found a willing lady to perform the motherhood duties of his children in the young unmarried woman, Elizabeth Qualtrough of Kentraugh, Rushen. Elizabeth was second child and oldest daughter of Thomas Qualtrough of Kentraugh and his wife Jane Qualtrough (nee Qualtrough).

Thomas Qualtroughwas born about 1772 (no evidence has been found of this however) s/o Thomas Qualtrough and Martha Holland. He was the grandson of Capt William Qualtrough and Elizabeth Gawn (d/o Capt Thos Gawn and Jane Lassel) of Kentraugh and he became the last Qualtrough owner of the Kentraugh Estate before the Gawnes, it is believed, foreclosed on the estate in the early 1820s for unpaid mortagages. (That is another story which still requires further research as there are apparently other circumstances which saw the Qualtroughs loosing the estate). Thomas subsequently died in 1838 in apparently obscure circumstances at the age of 76.

Jane Qualtrough, Thomas' wife, was the elder child of John Qualtrough and Margaret Crebbin, thus sister to Rev Joseph Qualtrough. Her siblings were: William bp 1774 (died unmarried at Ballashelogue, Arbory in 1860); Margaret bp 1776 (married William Maddrell 1798); Eleanor bp 1779 (married John Harrison 1803); Joseph bp 1780, who became Rev Joseph as already mentioned. Jane's only surviving half-sibling by her mother's first marriage to another Qualtrough,(William), who died in 1768, was John Qualtrough who married Marjory Kelly, already mentioned above, as parents of William Qualtrough's first wife Margaret. Confused????? Jane died at Ballagreney, Aireystein, Arbory at the home of her eldest son, William, in 1859.

Thomas Qualtroughmarried his wife Jane Qualtrough at Arbory on 7 June 1794 and they had five children, all born at Kentraugh, Rushen: William bp 1794 (married Catherine Cottier 1824); Elizabeth bp 1797, of whom more shortly; Jane Ann bp 1804 (married Thomas Kelly, saddler of Kentraugh in 1824); Thomas bp 1807 who died unmarried at Arbory in 1853; and finally Edward bp 1812, who became Rev. Edward Qualtrough who went on to become Master of Peel Grammar School and married Mrs Elizabeth (Betsy) Latham (nee Stowell), widow, in 1840. They had no children and Edward died in 1856 and is buried at Peel, KK German.

So, back to Elizabeth Qualtrough, baptised in 1797. She apparently willingly took on William's young family when they married on 9 February 1823 at Rushen. With an immediate family of seven children ranging from eleven to almost two years, Elizabeth proceeded to have three more of her own, the first being baptised within 10 months of their marriage!

William and Elizabeth had 3 sons all born in Rushen: Edward bp 1823 (married Esther Bridson in Penfield, nr Rochester NY about 1855); Joseph bp 1825 ( married Elizabeth Gibson in Rochester NY about 1850); Richard bp 1827 (married Catherine Kennedy in Penfield nr Rochester, NY, in 1854).

Elizabeth now had 10 children in her care, and sadly, her husband, William, Coroner of Rushen, died on 17 June 1830. Elizabeth then proceeds to marry again, this time to William Christian, a miller of Shenvalley, Malew on 29 January 1832 at Rushen and they have four children: Margaret & Sarah Christian, both bp in July 1832, but sadly Margaret died at one day old. Nothing further is known at this time of Sarah. Then came John Christian bp 1835 Marown (who is believed to have married Eleanor Quayle in 1859 at Malew, but not verified); William Thomas bp 1838 St Marks, nr Ballasalla.

So what happened to all the "steps and stairs" children of all these Qualtrough-Qualtrough marriages.

Of William & Margaret (nee Qualtrough) Qualtrough's family, the following is known:

Eldest son William bn 1810 married Alicia Cubbon at Malew in 1836, inheriting the Kentraugh Mill from his father William (who had acquired it through his marriage to Margaret, sole heir of her parents share of the Mill.

William & Alicia Qualtrough had 4 daughters - Margaret, Catherine, Isobella and Jane Alicia and a son, William, none of whom married. William must have found assuming the ownership of a Mill at the age of 20, on the death of his father in 1830, plus marriage and children too much as he committed suicide in August of 1846. Rushen Burials records his death:

"1846William Qualtrough(aged 36) buried 16 August. The verdict of a Jury sworn to find the cause of death of the above person is that he was the cause of his own death by hanging himself when in a state of insanity." (Source IOMFHS Burial Register Index, Rushen 1712-1968). {William had at the time of his death, in his employ, his half brother, Joseph (bp 1825) as apprentice miller.}


William died intestate and his administration states:


At a Chapter Court, holden at Castletown 27th Oct 1846.

William Qualtrough of the parish of Kirk Christ Rushen having departed this life on or about the sixteenth day of August last past intestate; and this court having received intelligence thereof, hath (for the preservation of the rights of all persons concerned) Decreed John Qualtrough, Alicia Qualtrough the widow of decedent and Margaret, William, Isabella, and Jane her children co administrators of all and singular the goods, rights, credits, chattels, and effects, moveable and immoveable whatever to the said deceadent. And he the said John Qualtrough is in trust for the widow and her children thereupon sworn, well and truly to administer the same, to pay all the intestate's just debts, so far forth as the goods will extend and the law bind; and return into the Episcopal Registry a full, true, and perfect inventory thereof, and an accurate account of all transactions, touching the same when thereunto lawfully required.

And to these ends he the said John Qualtrough hath given pledges in form of law, namely John Clucas of Ballakilley and Thomas Turnbull of Ballnaquinney both in the parish of Rushen.

Decretum Est T. A. Corlett

Whereas the Eccl Court of this Diocese hath this day granted administration of all and singular the goods and effects of Wm

Qualtrough late of Rushen deceased, to John Qualtrough in trust for Alicia Qualtrough the widow of the deceased and Margaret, William, Isabella, and Jane minors children and next of kin of the deceased.

And Whereas John Clucas of Ballakilley in the parish of Rushen and Thos Turnbull of Ballnaquinney in the parish of Rushen have agreed to become pledges to the said John Qualtrough.

Therefore, Now all Men by these Presents, that We, the said John Clucas and Thos Turnbull hereby bind and oblige ourselves, and our executor, and administrators, as pledges to the said John Qualtrough for the due faithful administration of the goods and effects of the said deceased,according to Law. Witness our subscription, this 27th day of Oct 1846.

John Clucas

Thomas Turnbull

Witnesses by James Wm Moore.

John Qualtrough mentioned is William's brother. Alicia, William's widow and her children continued to live at the Mill, but as none of the children married there was no heir so the Mill was eventually sold out of the family. Alicia died in 1897, only son William having pre-deceased her in 1895. Margaret and Catherine died in 1901 at Kentraugh Mill, Isabella in 1914 in Castletown and Jane Alicia in 1921 in Douglas.

John, mentioned in brother William's Administration above, was born in 1812 and married Margaret Christian about 1839 at Rushen. They lived at Ballagawne and Kentraugh Bridge, Rushen. They had four children: Margaret, Sarah, John and Mary Anne. Margaret married Ambrose Lace in Rushen in 1874, having had an illegitimate daughter, Catherine Moore in 1872. Sarah married William Jarvis of Wales in Rushen in 1863 and had five known children. Of son John little is known, however he may have gone to the USA. Mary Anne married Thomas Arthur Edge in Rushen in 1875.

Next child,Jane Qualtrough, born 1814, married Edward Costain in Arbory in 1834 and they had seven known children, including John aka "Stocks" (1834), Thomas (1842), Jane (1844), Catherine (1847), Margaret (1849), William (1854) and Henry (1857). John (Stocks) Costain married Eleanor Cannell at Rushen in 1866 and had 6 children. Of the other siblings of "Stocks", nothing more is known at this time.

Elizabeth Qualtrough, born 1816, was the first to venture beyond the Island, and went to Liverpool where she married a George Green at St Peter's, in 1835. She appears not to have had any family and we find her in Scotland having died at the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh on 24 March 1866.

Esther Qualtrough, bn 1817, married Thomas Kermode at Braddan on 7 December 1844. They have one known son, William bp Douglas in 1845, and possibly another, George, bp 1852, also in Douglas. Nothing further is known of Esther.

More information has come to light in May 2015 - See the article on Esther

Son Thomas Qualtrough, bn 1819, died unmarried in 1850. It is more than likely he went to New York with his younger half-brother, Joseph, in 1846 but appears to have returned to the Island. Nothing more is known of Thomas.

The youngest child of William and Margaret Qualtrough,Ann, born in 1821 and thus was almost two years old when her mother died in November 1822. She, like her other siblings, would have had little memory of her mother. Ann must have married, however at this time she has not been researched further.

William and Elizabeth Qualtrough's family of three sons were more adventurous than their half-siblings, as all emigrated to the New World.

The first to go wasJ oseph born in 1825. He emigrated on the "Queen of the West" arriving at New York from Liverpool on 11 April 1846 with possibly his half-brother, Thomas. From "The Famine Immigrants" Vol 1 page 37-38

QUALTROUGH, Joseph (20-Miller);

QUALTROUGH, Thomas (28-Blacksmith)

Having been an apprentice miller to his half brother William before he committed suicide in August 1846, Joseph would have been well equipped to establish his own Mill in Rochester, where he settled. Perhaps it was Joseph's leaving for the USA in early 1846 (he arrived in New York on 11 April) that contributed to William's suicide later in the year.

Joseph married Elizabeth Gibson of Rochester in 1850 and they had 5 sons and one daughter, all establishing themselves well in Rochester and beyond. Joseph himself became a well-known Rochester citizen and businessman and served as an Alderman in Rochester in the 1860s. Elizabeth died in 1872 and he remarried in 1875 to Clarissa Snooks Van Drake. He died 22 February 1898 and his obituary from Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reads:

Joseph Qualtrough, a well known business and Rochester's oldest miller died yesterday afternoon at his home No 16 Frank Street, aged 71 yrs.

Mr Qualtrough had been ill for several years past and was gradually failing until yesterday when he died. Mr Qualtrough was born in the Isle of Man in the year 1825 and there the earlier of his life was spent. In 1850 (sic) when about 15 (sic) years old he came to America with his parents (this is not correct)and settled in Rochester. In 1848? he was married to Miss Elizabeth Gibson who died in 1872. Again in 1875 he was united in marriage with Mrs Van Dake. When about 50 years of age, Mr Qualtrough became interested in the Clintons Mill on Brown's race and several years afterwards he bought the old Red Mill on Aqueduct street, which he held for about seven years. From 1864 to 1870 he represented the Second Ward in the Common Council and was at one time president of that body. He was also a member of the Boa rd of Education, a fire commissioner, and from 1871 to 1873 he held the position of city overseer of the poor. Mr Qualtrough is survived by six children, five sons Edward F, a lieutenant on the monitor, Terror, Benjamin F of Kansas City, Charles S, a railroad mail clerk, Frederick, a merchant of this city, and William H, assistant superintendent of carriers of the Rochester post office, and one daughter, Mrs Ella M Faragher of this city. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of his daughter, 41 Wellington Avenue. Rev. Dr Sankey, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church will officiate.

Edward Qualtrough, born 1823 was the next to leave the Isle of Man and he too went to Rochester, about 1847. There is a suggestion from a descendant that he may have gone to Ohio first and then gone to Rochester to meet up with brother Joseph however the 1855 New York State census for Monroe County states Edward had been living in Monroe County for 9 years. At the time he was a batchelor, living with this younger brother Richard, Richard's wife Catherine and their 3 months old son.

Edward married Esther (or Ester) Bridson (born Marown 1826, d/o Richard Bridson and Catherine Christian) about 1855 or 1856. They appear to have gone to Rochester separately as there was a large Manx community in this area. Edward and Esther had four daughters. Edward acquired land at Penfield on the outskirts of Rochester and farmed there for the rest of his life. The 1880-1881 Monroe County Directory for Penfield, page 235, lists Edward Qualtrough, farmer of 117 acres. His brother Richard has 81 acres in the same area.

Edward is honoured with the naming of a road after him {Qualtrough Road}, and this is now one of the main thoroughfares leaving Rochester through Penfield to other areas of Up-State New York.

He died at his home in Penfield on 11 November 1891, apparently intestate as there was a notice in the Union Advertiser 20 November 1891 page 5 col 5 stating that Letters of Adminstration had been issued on his estate.

As already mentioned,Richard Qualtroughbn 1827 also went to Rochester. In the 1855 New State Census for Monroe County, it states that he had been there 5 years. He married Catherine Kennedy (born Scotland) on 16 March 1854 at Penfield. They had two sons, only one surviving to adulthood. Richard, like his brother Edward, lived and farmed in Penfield for the rest of his life. He died in 1905 and his obituary reads:

QUALTROUGH At his home, in West Penfield, RICHARD QUALTROUGH aged 77 years, 9 months. He is survived by his widow and one son, Leslie. Funeral from his home, Wednesday 14 June at 2 o'clock. Burial at Oakwood Cemetery, Penfield. (Rochester Democrat & Chronicle Tuesday 13 1905 p 13 col 4)

Much more could be written (and will be in the future) on these three Qualtrough brothers who all made good for themselves in Rochester and set up a dynasty of Qualtrough descendants here and beyond. One in particular, Lieutenant CommanderEdward Francis Qualtroughbn 1850, eldest son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Gibson) Qualtrough established a name for himself in many ways in the US Navy. He was an author and his society wedding in Washington DC in November 1879 to Leila Ray, was attended by the US President of the day. Edward Francis made the "Who Was Who in America" 1897-1942 and also several editions of the Dictionary of American Authors, having authored several books on sailing. He was also present at a US Navy-led expedition of US astronomers at the total eclipse of the sun on 6 May 1883 at Caroline Island in the Pacific Ocean. He skippered the "USS Georgia" on the US Navy's Great White Fleet circumnavigation of the globe 1907-1909, but was unceremoniously relieved of his command at Gibraltar in February 1909 and court-marshalled in Algeria for being drunk on duty at an official naval function!! He "retired" from the Navy on 30 June 1909 and died at his home in Washington DC on 18 November 1913. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Washington along with his wife Leila who died in 1917. They had no children.

Of the four children of Elizabeth Qualtrough (nee Qualtrough) and William Christian little or nothing is known. It is presumed that all or some of them married on or off the Island and there are more than likely descendants. I would welcome contact with any member of this Christian family of Rushen/Marown/St Marks.

So the relationship riddle posed by the wedding report leading this article has been fully explained I hope. Only one doubt remains to completing this story and that is the death date of Elizabeth Qualtrough Christian. It is assumed she is the Elizabeth Christian who is buried at Malew 5 May 1863, aged 67 years.

 Elizabeth Feisst


© Copyright by Malcolm Qualtrough, Elizabeth Feisst and the late John Karran Qualtrough.